
Use the package in a python script

To use pysds011 in a project, start by importing this package:

import pysds011

Provide an UART channel, user is in charge to also open/close it:

import serial

ser = serial.Serial('/dev/ttyUSB0', 9600)

Provide a logger:

import logging

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

Now create a driver instance, injecting serial and logging:

sd = driver.SDS011(ser, log)

Usually the first step is to wake up the sensor:


Then start to interact with it:

fw_ver = sd.cmd_firmware_ver()
dust_data = sd.cmd_query_data()

Use the command line tool

This package is provided with a command line tool to be able to immidiately start playing with your sensor Command line is named pysds011

First stop should be the embedded help. Here just an outdated version of it:

pysds011.exe --help

Usage: pysds011 [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
  pysds011 cli app entry point

  --port TEXT          UART port to communicate with dust sensor.
  -v, --verbosity LVL  Either CRITICAL, ERROR, WARNING, INFO or DEBUG
  --help               Show this message and exit.

  dust        Get dust value
  fw-version  Get SDS011 FW version
  help        Get specific help of a command
  sleep       Set sleep MODE 1:sleep 0:wakeup

And each command has its own help:

pysds011.exe help dust

Usage: pysds011 help [OPTIONS]

Get dust value

  --warmup INTEGER  Time in sec to warm up the sensor
  --format TEXT     result format (PRETTY|JSON|PM2.5|PM10)
  --help            Show this message and exit.

Nova SDS011 sensor is connected to your machine through UART, so to read the actual dust value, you need to provide a port value:

pysds011.exe --port COM4 dust

    PM 2.5: 25.9 μg/m^3  PM 10: 62.4 μg/m^3 CRC=OK

Dust value can be presented in multiple format:

  • PRETTY (default)

  • JSON:

    pysds011.exe --port COM4 dust --format JSON
    {'pm25': 28.4, 'pm10': 118.6, 'pretty': 'PM 2.5: 28.4 μg/m^3  PM 10: 118.6 μg/m^3 CRC=OK'}
  • Single PM:

    pysds011.exe --port COM4 dust --format PM2.5
    pysds011.exe --port COM4 dust --format PM10

Read the dust sensor FW version:

pysds011.exe --port COM4 fw-version

FW version Y: 18, M: 11, D: 16, ID: 0xe748, CRC=OK